 arte,cultura-Spoleto,Bruxelles,Monteleone d-28-12-2019
The Spoleto Meeting Art at one of the oldest Spoleto dwellings in via della Salaria vecchia 21 will permanently open a meeting and collection point for the arts which will be called "Il Caffè Letterario del Sansi" by Luca Filipponi and artistic direction by Paola Biadetti . The cultural space-gallery was inaugurated on December 22 at 4 pm with the critical presentation by Sandro Costanzi, historian and art critic linked to the Menotti Art Festival since the first edition. The exhibition will be presented by Prof. Luca Filipponi, with the care and artistic direction of Paola Biadetti and will be open to the public until January 31, 2020. Below the artists present at the Spoleto Meeting Art CLS exhibition-event: Angelini Rossana (Spoleto ), Bellanca Morena (Terni), Berto Giampaolo (Rome), Carlini Giorgio (Spoleto), Cozzini Vano Marisa (Frosinone), Craia Silvio (Macerata), Demegni Giovanna (Spoleto), Diglio Danila (Spoleto), Gatteschi Lucio (Arezzo) , Giuffrè Valerio (Rome), Gregorio Luigi (Rieti), Ludi Lorenzo (La Spezia), Maiorini Piergiorgio (Rome), Nuzzi Ermelinda (Bari), Rossetti Anna Rita (Terni), Sambri Adriano (Arezzo), Serafini Elisabetta (Viterbo) , Trotti Sandro (Rome). The Menotti Art Festival Spoleto is present in numerous locations in Italy and abroad with artistic exhibitions and other cultural projects: Spoleto Meeting Art Brussels (in Avenue Louise 210 Brussels until March 31), Personal exhibition by Rossana Jaccheo (church of San Giacomo alla Lungara Rome), Masters in comparison Gatteschi-Sernesi-Gambelli (Archaeological Museum of Monteleone di Spoleto until January 31). The President Prof. Luca Filipponi is satisfied with the balance of the activities carried out and to be carried out: << The Menotti Art Festival has had significant positive developments in 2019 and there are extraordinary projects for 2020 >>.