 arte, cultura-Bruxelles, Avenue Louise-29-11-2018
Brussels is not only Magritte and the Atomium the great masters of Flemish art, the Art Nouveau masterpieces, the architecture born in the European Quarter, "Brussels is also: Spoleto Meeting Art the cultural artistic event that declares, for its contents and for the careful choices, passion and interest. The exhibition will be staged at the regions d'europe in the Abruzzo region in Avenue Louise Brussels from December 6, 2018 to January 31, 2019.Sedici artists who will exhibit their works in an institutional location: Afeltra Tony, Angelini Rossana, Bisacco Martino, Carcione Giovanni Luigi, Cassarà Elio, Cottarelli Pierluigi, Gregorio Luigi, Izzo Domenico, Ludi Lorenzo, Muti Evandro, Natale Andrea, Natali Silvio, Antonio Perotti, Pret Ton, Serafini Elisabetta, Tarantino Franco with his personal mini dedicated to the zodiacal signs,, 60 selected works of art, painting, photography, graphics, design "an intertwining of thoughts, a succession of suggestions", comments the artistic director of Spoleto Meeting Art Paola Biadetti, defined as an "art worker". In collaboration with Prof. Pasquale Lettieri and the Tau Foundation Dott.Umberto Giammaria, and with the Abruzzo Region. Peculiar of SMA is the invasion of the spaces of study and work of the institution with contemporary art, thus also subjecting daily users to an unprecedented wealth of perceptions - visual. Inauguration on December 6th with the presentation of Giovani Europei Magazine, Speciale Arte Bruxelles and with the performance of the soprano Tania Di Giorgio.