testata giornalistica diretta dal Prof. Luca Filipponi
Data di Pubblicazione: 09-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-06-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 13-05-2011
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000
Data di Pubblicazione: 13-03-2009
Data di Scadenza: 31-05-2009
Data di Pubblicazione: 06-04-2008
Data di Scadenza: 00-00-0000

arte, cultura-Caffè Letterario del Sansi Spo-16-08-2020

Unique "glimpses" in Spoleto, a beautiful exhibition by the painter Tina Bruno, an opportunity to escape from a crowded beach, a torrid city or a sultry house, to immerse yourself in another world !! These weeks have been spent under the banner of art and culture, studying, researching, experimenting !!! With SpoletoMeetingArt, the volume DuemilArtisti La Fiera Letteraria, Giovani Europeani Magazine, and of course with Spoleto Festival Art MenottiArtFestival, the cultural artistic activity is resumed in line with due precautions and the new appointment at the Sansi literary café in Via Salara Vecchia, 21 Spoleto, a place of meetings and cultural animation, as well as an exhibition of works of art and innovative activities is, with the contemporary painter from Puglia Tina Bruno with her personal exhibition "Scorci" which was presented on 2 August by the Critic and art historian Sandro Costanzi and Paola Biadetti as artistic director of the Spoleto Meeting art and curator of this personal exhibition by Tina Bruno. Sponsored by Ass. IEFO, (European Institute for Orientation Training) Spoleto Art Festival Menotti Art Festival, TAU Foundation. The meeting with Tina Bruno took place during the September Kermesse the Menotti art Festival 2019 and was among the protagonists of the SpoletoMeetingArt which is a precious point of view for contemporary art, with extraordinary artists, artists of a new Renaissance. Tina Bruno was also a protagonist at the Comunicare L'Europa 2020 Award, an event where works dedicated to the event were delivered, including those by Tina Bruno. Who has been in Spoleto since 2 August for this beautiful solo exhibition entitled "Glimpses" which marks an important step for the artist who was awarded the International Spoleto Art Festival 2020 Award. Tina Bruno introduced herself like this, telling her poetics: I am passionate about art, since I was a child, I trained in figurative painting and later I also dedicate myself to abstract, informal and material painting. With the aim of improving the technique, I attended the Academy of Bari, and the teacher Michele Roccotelli. My paintings are the expression of that flow of emotions that blend and are imprinted on the canvas in a play of colors. Through constant study and research, I tirelessly continue to explore new horizons, experimenting with new techniques and different materials. The critic and art historian Sandro Costanzi whom I want to thank for the artistic criticism he made on: Tina Bruno writes: Tina, interprets the great lesson of geometric spatialism, entrusts the thrust of the triangle to direct the energy of the universe Apulian by birth, he therefore goes through this lively exchange of thoughts that took place, from shore to shore, between Asia Minor and Magna Graecia; Tina Bruno entrusts her to nocturnal, but warm, nuanced colors that are receptacles and memories of beloved distant lands that suddenly kiss and then disappear, always suddenly, in a distant elsewhere in time. Away only for now, but then we will see what is due when to be agreed.

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Europanews Periodico di informazione online della testata giornalisitica Giovani europei
iscritta presso il Tribunale di Spoleto reg. n°91 rilasciata il 25/03/1997
Direttore responsabile - Prof. Luca Filipponi medialuxnet@gmail.com Direttore - Prof. Marcello Bemporad
In redazione - Angelica Mariotti, Elisabetta Placanica, Riccardo Luccioli - e-mail: medialuxnet@gmail.com
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